Tacent View

A fast image and texture viewer written in C++. Leverages the GPU for quick draw times. Built on DearImGui and the Tacent Library, Tacent View has solid support for common texture formats like tga, dds, ktx2, exr as well as more traditional formats like jpg and png. Editing functionality includes batch resizing, rotations/flips, and the ability to generate contact sheets for VFX.

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Tacent View CLI

This page is an overview of the features available in Tacent View while using the command line interface. All operations that may be performed in the GUI may also be accessed via the command-line allowing many images to be processed by a single command. For example, a simple CLI command can resize all png files in a list and then save them as jpg files at a desired quality level.


The easiest way to demonstrate using Tacent View from the command-line is by example. The following assumes a) tacentview or tacentview.exe is in the path or in the current directory, and b) there are multiple images of various types in the current directory. Since Windows can handle not specifying the exe extension, it has been omitted. These examples do not exhaustively demonstrate all options and parameters – see the following usage section for all the options.

Example 0 - Convert to TGA

tacentview -c

This is the simplest conversion command-line. The -c (alternatively --cli) simply means do not launch the GUI. The input images are all the files in the current directory (since no directory was specified). By default all image types are processed unless you specify the input image types with -i or --in. Similarly, output types can be specified with -o or --out. If this is missing the default is to output TGA files.

Example 1 - Convert Single JPG to TGA

tacentview -c TactileConceptDevelopment.jpeg

This example shows why the -c option is needed – without it GUI-mode is activated and the images on the command-line are opened in the full graphical user interface. Note that some input types have multiple valid extensions. e.g. A JPeg may have jpg or jpeg extensions and a Tiff may have tif or tiff.

Example 2 - Convert PKM Files to PNG

tacentview -c --in pkm --out png

Here the types of the input and output files are specified explicitly. In this case a single input type (pkm) and a single output type (png) are specified.

Example 3 - Convert PKM Files to PNG with Prefix and Suffix

tacentview -c -i pkm -o png --outname prefix=T_,suffix=Saved

As above the types of the input and output files are specified explicitly. The --outname option specifies a prefix of T_ to be prepended to all output filenames. At the end of the filename, before the extension, the suffix Saved will be added.

Example 4 - Convert PKM and JPG Files to PNG and BMP

tacentview -c --in pkm,jpg --out png,bmp
tacentview -c --in pkm -i jpg -o png --out bmp

You can specify multiple types for both the input and output. Both command-lines above do the same thing. In the first more concise example, all types are specified with a single --in or --out option. When using this comma-separated list format, do not put spaces after the commas. The second line just shows that individual specifications get combined.

Example 5 - Create GIFs from Manifest

tacentview -c @manifest.txt --out gif --outGIF bpp=2,qan=neu,alp=120

Uses the @ symbol to specify a manifest file that lists the files to process. The contents of manifest.txt could look something like this.

; Some individual files to process.

; A directory to process.

The --outGIF is optional and specifies any non-default parameters for creating the GIFs. In this case a 2-bit (4 colour) palette is used, the neu algorithm is used for colour quantization, and the transparency threshold is 120. There are more options for GIF output not shown here including things like loop behaviour, frame duration, etc.

Example 6 - Adjust EXR Exposure and Save to TGA

tacentview -c --in exr --inEXR gamma=1.8,expo=3.5

Many image formats have additional load parameters that may be specified. In this example EXR files are loaded with a gamma-correction of 1.8 (default is 2.2) and an exposure value of 3.5. Exposure ranges from -10.0 to 10.0 with the neutral default being 1.0. For EXR files additional load parameters, not shown here, include defogging (defog), and adjusting knee values (white and middle points) using knee-low (knelo), and knee-high (knehi).

Example 7 - Convert JPG to TGA Respecting EXIF Orientation

tacentview -c --in jpg --inJPG strct=true,exifo=true

Some JPG files have meta-data that includes, among other things, the orientation of the camera when the picture was taken. By specifying exifo=true we can undo this orientation automatically for JPG files. The resultant TGA will always be oriented correctly when we do this. The default is to not take the EXIF orientation into account. The strct=true load parameter means that any input JPG files must be well-defined and strictly meet the JPeg specification. Setting this to false allows some non-conformant images to be loaded.

Example 8 - Convert DDS to TGA Specifying Load Parameters

tacentview -c --inDDS corr=gamc,gamma=1.8,tone=2.1,spred=F,strct=T A.dds B.dds

This example shows loading two DDS files (A.dds and B.dds) setting all the supported input parameters. The corr parameter specifies the gamma-correction mode, the gamma parameter specifies 1.8 to be used for the correction gamma (default is 2.2). Assuming the DDS files are encoded with an HDR format like BC6s or one of the ASTC encodings, the tone parameter controls the exposure. The value of 2.1 pushes the exposure higher (brighter). The spread (spred) parameter applies to single-colour-channel DDS files. It means do not spread that channel to the other colour channels. Finally, strct=T means do not load DDS files that have errors or inconsistencies in their header – the default is false which is a bit more forgiving for some DDS files found in the wild. Since no --out types were specified, TGA files will be generated from the two input DDS files.

Example 9 - Resize Images Preserving Aspect

tacentview -cw . --op resize[1920,-1] -o jpg

Resizes all images in the current directory and saves them as JPG files. The JPG images will be 1920 pixels wide. The -1 for height means compute the height so that the original aspect ratio is preserved. The -w or --overwrite means overwrite existing files that may be present. Use with caution. There are more arguments to resize that allow setting resample filters and edge modes that are not shown here.

Example 10 - Resize Images for Thumnails

tacentview -c --op resize[128,128] -n prefix=T_,replace=Full:Thumb

Resizes all images in the current directory to 128x128 and saves them as TGA files starting with the string T_. The -n or --outname option also specifies that any filename with the string Full in it will have it replaced with the string Thumb. An input file like Car_Full_08.png would be resized and saved as T_Car_Thumb_08.tga.

Example 11 - Resize Followed by Rotation

tacentview -ca --op resize[1920,-1] --op rotate[5] --outTGA bpp=24,rle=true

Resizes and then applies a 5-degree anti-clockwise rotation to all images in the current directory. Saves them as TGA files. The -a or --autoname flag means if the output file exists the output filename will be modified so the existing file is not overwritten. The --outTGA params force a 24-bit run-length-encoded TGA to be written.

Example 12 - Set Pixel Colours

tacentview -c --op pixel[2,1,cyan,RGB] --op pixel[-3,-2,#0000FF80,RGBA]

Sets the lower-left pixel (3rd to the right and 2nd up) to the colour cyan and leaves the alpha unchanged. Then sets the upper-right pixel (3rd to the left and 2nd down) to the colour blue with an alpha of 128. The pixel at (0,0) is the bottom-left. The pixel at (-1,-1) is the top-right of the current image. All images are saved as targas (the default).

Example 13 - Resize Canvas

tacentview --cli --verbosity 2 --op canvas[640,400,mm,black]

Processes all images in the current directory and saves then as targas. The --verbosity 2 means it will output the maximum amount of output text. All images are resized to 640x400 without resampling. If the new size is larger than the input, black bars are added. The anchor is set to the middle of the image. Further arguments not show allow the anchor to be set to a particular pixel position.

Example 14 - Set Aspect Ratio Without Fill

tacentview -c --op aspect[19:10,crop,*,*,64,64]

Resizes image to an aspect ratio of 19:10. If the input image does not have the same aspect ratio, the sides are cropped so the resultant image takes up the full size. That is, some of the input image pixels get discarded to accomplish this without resampling. The anchor is the specific pixel position (64,64) where (0,0) is the bottom-left.

Example 15 - Set Aspect Ratio With Letterbox Fill

tacentview -c --op aspect[2:1,letter,tr,green]

Resizes canvas to an aspect ratio of 2:1. No resampling is performed. In letterbox mode all source pixels are kept. If the input image has a different aspect ratio, green bars are added to the image. Since the anchor is the top-right, the green will be added to the left and bottom edges as necessary.

Example 16 - Remove Borders

tacentview -ckv 2 --op deborder[yellow,RG]

Removes image borders by inspecting the rows and columns of all 4 sides. If both the red and green components are saturated (yellow), the border gets removed. Since we only check R and G component channels, the blue and alpha may be any value. The -k or --skipunchanged flag means if there would be no change to the input image, it is not saved – even if the output image type is different than the input image type. The -ckv 2 expands to --cli --skipunchanged --verbosity 2 which makes it clear the 2 refers to the verbosity. The -c and -k are boolean flags and don’t have arguments.

Example 17 - Crop

tacentview -c --op crop[rel,20,10,320,200,*]

Crops all images in relative-mode. In this mode the crop is from the lower-left position (20,10) and the next two arguments specify the width (320) and height (200). The last argument * means use the default fill colour which is transparent black. This is used if the crop area extends beyond the image being processed. In absolute mode (abs), the 320,200 would be interpreted as the upper-right pixel position. In both modes the lower-left and upper-right positions are included in the final image. This example uses defaults for input types (all supported) and the output type (tga).

Example 18 - Flip

tacentview -c --op flip
tacentview -c --op flip[]
tacentview -c --op flip[*]
tacentview -c --op flip[h]
tacentview -c --op flip[H]
tacentview -c --op flip[Horizontal]

This example demonstrates different ways of executing the same horizontal right-to-left flip operation (about the vertical axis). Since all arguments have a default, the square brackets are optional, and if they are present, they may be empty. The * means use the default for the argument. flip[h], flip[H], and flip[Horizontal] are all synonyms. For a vertical flip you would need to use flip[v] or flip[V] or flip[Vertical].

Example 19 - Rotate and Fill

tacentview -c --op rotate[-30,fill,bilinear,bicubic_catmullrom,green]

The simplest rotation mode is fill. This example rotates the images clockwise by 30 degrees and does not crop. Imagine rotating an image clockwise a little and then placing a rectange around it. The bottom-left corner will be a bit farther left, the top-left a little higher, etc. This means the rotated image will be a bit larger than the original and 4 extra triangles will be present. The fill colour is used to fill those triangles (with green in this case). The up-filter (bilinear) is used to create a larger image internally so rotation quality is preserved. The down-filter (bicubic_catmullrom) is used to resample back down to the required size. In short, fill mode creates larger images than the original and preserves all image content. Supported filters include: nearest, box, bilinear, bicubic, bicubic_catmullrom, bicubic_mitchell, bicubic_cardinal, bicubic_bspline, lanczos_narrow, lanczos, and lanczos_wide.

Example 20 - Rotate and Crop

tacentview -c --op rotate[-0.1r,crop,none]

Crop mode (the default) is similar to fill but instead of filling the extra area introduced by the rotation, it crops it out. The final image will have sightly smaller size than the original and no fill will be used. Not all original content is preserved. The -0.1r means use radians. Putting none for the up-filter means no resampling is performed (down-filter is ignored) and no new colours are introduced to the palette – useful for rotating sprites or pixel-art.

Example 21 - Rotate and Resize

tacentview -c --op rotate[12,resize,bilinear,none]

Rotates 12 degrees anti-clockwise. Resize mode does the same as crop mode but then resizes the image back to the original dimensions. Useful for rotating horizons in photos where you don’t want to use a fill and want the final image size to be the same. Using none for the down-filter uses a custom down-sample method that keeps edges sharper.

Example 22 - Adjust Levels

tacentview -c --op levels[0.1,*,0.9,*,*]

Adjusts image levels in a manner similar to other photo-editing software where you can specify black, mid, and white points. The first 3 areguments are the input black, mid, and white points in the 0 to 1 range. The * for the mid-point means put it halfway inbetween. The last two *’s are for the output black and white points and default to 0.0 and 1.0. There are further optional arguments to the levels operation (not shown in this example) that control which frame(s) to perform the operation on if the image is animated or has mipmaps, what colour channels to adjust, and what gamma algorithm to use. For a full explanation call tacentview -c --help.

Example 23 - Levels One Frame One Channel

tacentview -c --op levels[0.2,0.6,0.8,0.1,0.9,4,R,false]

Adjusts image levels like the previous example except we specify all five black and white points explicitly. The 4 is the zero-based frame number to operate on if you have an animated or multi-page input image. If this is set to -1 or * it adjusts levels on all frames. The R means the red channel only. Choices are R, G, B, RGB (the default), and A. The last argument lets you specify a continuous or discontinuous function for the mid-point gamma algorithm. False means discontinuous at gamma 1 (approximates Photoshop). True means use a continuous base-10 power curve that smoothly transitions the full range (similar to the GIMP).

Example 24 - Contrast

tacentview -ca --op contrast[0.75] -o gif --paramsJPG 90

Adjusts the contrast to 0.75 and saves the adjusted images as jpg files (auto-renaming them if they exist). A contrast value of 0.5 is neutral. Larger than 0.5 is more contrast up to a maximum of 1 (black and white). Lower than 0.5 is less contrast down to a minimum of 0 (all grey). Optional arguments not shown include the frame(s) to apply the adjustment to and which colour channels. The 90 is the quality setting from 1 to 100 for the jpg file.

Example 25 - Brightness

tacentview -ca --op brightness[0.4] -o qoi --outQOI bpp=32,spc=srgb 

Adjusts the brightness to 0.4 and saves the adjusted images as qoi files (auto-renaming them if they exist). A brightness value of 0.5 is neutral. Larger than 0.5 is brighter up to a maximum of 1 (full white). Lower than 0.5 is dimmer down to a minimum of 0 (black). Optional arguments not shown include the frame(s) to apply the adjustment to and which colour channels. The --outQOI forces a 32-bit qoi to be generated in the sRGB colour-space.

Example 26 - Quantize using Wu Algorithm

tacentview -cav 2 --op quantize[wu,256,true] -o qoi --outQOI bpp=24,spc=srgb

Quantizing is the (difficult) process of reducing the number of colours used in an image. There are a number of algorithms that may be applied to do this while keeping the image looking as good as possible. Tacent View supports the Xiaolin Wu method (wu), a simple predefined palette (fix), a neural-net algorithm (neu), and a spatial quantization method (spc). In this example we use the default Wu method and reduce the number of colours to 256. The true means check for exactness – when this check is on, if the number of colours currently in the image is already less-than or equal-to the number requested, the image is left unmodified. If false, the algorithm is run regardless (handy for forcing a black and white image with colours set to 2 while using ‘fix’ for the method). The output files are written as 24 bit qoi files in sRGB space. Verbosity is full and auto-rename is enabled.

Example 27 - Quantize using NeuQuant Algorithm

tacentview -ca --op quantize[neu,256,true,2] -o qoi --outQOI bpp=24,spc=srgb

Similar to Quantize using Wu Algorithm except using the NeuQuant neural-learning algorithm. When using this algorithm the 4th argument (2) is the sample-factor. This value affects the speed/quality ratio and must be between 1 and 30 (inclusive). 1 results in the highest quality by training on the full set of input pixels, but is slower than 30 which only uses 1/30 of the input pixels. The number of colours (256) must be between 2 and 256 inclusive. There is no requirement it be a power-of or divisible-by 2.

Example 28 - Quantize using ScolorQ Algorithm

tacentview -ca --op quantize[spc,16,true,3,8.0] -o qoi --outQOI bpp=24,spc=srgb

Similar to Quantize using Wu Algorithm except using the ScolorQ spatial quantization algorithm. When using this algorithm the 4th argument (3) is the filter-size and must be 1, 3, or 5. ScolorQ supports dithering – the 5th argument (from 0.0 to 30.0) represents the amount of dither. A value of 0.1 is essentially no dither, while 20+ is a lot. If dither is set to 0.0 a good value is computed for you based on the image size and number of requested colours. ScolorQ is a good choice for small palette sizes (here we chose 16) but can be quite slow for larger images or palette sizes bigger than 30.

Example 29 - Set R and B Channels

tacentview -ca --op channel[set,RB,#0F00A200]

This example will set all red channels in all input images to 15, and all blue channels to 162.

Example 30 - Blend Background into RGB Channels

tacentview -ca --op channel[blend,RGBA,#80808AFF]

Blends a grey-blue backgraound into the RGB components of the input images. Each pixel’s current alpha component is used to determine how much of the backgound to blend-in. Since alpha (A) is specified in the channels (2nd argument), the final alpha will be set to what is specified in the background colour (3rd argument) – in this case FF (255). If alpha was not specified the blend still happens but the original alpha will remain unchanged in the output image.

Example 31 - Spread G Channel into R and B

tacentview -ca --op channel[spread,G]

Spreads (copies) the green (G) channel of each pixel into the red and blue channels. Spread always takes in a single channel and spreads it to the RGB channels of the image.

Example 32 - Set Channels to Intensity

tacentview -ca --op channel[intens,RG]

Computes the intensity of every pixel (always based on the RGB values) and sets the RG components to the computed intensity. You may choose any combination of RGBA channels to set. Use RGB to create a greyscale image with unchanged alpha.

Example 33 - Swizzle RGB to BGR

tacentview -ca --op swizzle[BGR]

Swaps the red and the blue channels. In order, the new red channel gets the original blue channel, the green gets green, and the new blue channel gets red. This is the same as swizzle[B*R] and is also the same as swizzle[B*R*]. The asterisks just grab the corresponding original channel.

Example 34 - Swizzle Set Full Alpha

tacentview -ca --op swizzle[RGB1]

Keeps the RGB channels the same and sets the alpha channel to full. The ‘1’ means saturate – since it is in the A position, alpha gets saturated.

Example 35 - Swizzle Clear G and B

tacentview -ca --op swizzle[*00*]

Keeps the red and alpha channels the same and sets the green and blue to zero. The ‘0’ means, well, zero – since it is in the G and B positions, they get set to zero.

Example 36 - Swizzle Set RGB to G with Full Alpha

tacentview -ca --op swizzle[GGG1]

There is no restriction on repeating colour components. That is, swizzle is not restricted to permutations. Here the original green channel is placed in the RGB channels and the alpha (usually interpreted as opacity) is set to full. This will generate a grey-scale image based only on the original green channel. If you want a grey-scale based on intensity, use the channel operation above.

Example 37 - Extract All Frames

tacentview -ck --op extract -i apng -o bmp --outBMP bpp=auto

Extracts all frames from every APNG input file and saves them as BMP files. The -k means the original input images are not resaved (this operation does not modify the input images at all). The auto means auto-determine the bits-per-pixel for the BMP based on the image opacity. You can use the extract operation on any file that stores more than one image inside – extract mipmaps from ktx2 files, extract pages from tiff files, extract animation frames from webp/gifs, etc. By default the output file names will be based on the input with _NNN appended. The NNN is the frame number. Unless you specify otherwise, the extracted images are placed in a subdirectory called ‘Saved’.

Example 38 - Extract Specific Frames

tacentview -ck --op extract[0-2+!4-6+!7-10!,FramesDir,FrameFile] -i gif InImage.gif

Extracts frames 0,1,2,5,6,8,9 from InImage.gif and saves them as TGA files in a directory called FramesDir. The images will be named FrameFile_000.tga, FrameFile_001.tga, FrameFile_002.tga, FrameFile_005.tga, etc. To specify the frames, an asterisk by itself means all, 0-2 means 0 to 2 (inclusive), the + is used to specify more ranges and the ! means exclude the end-point. The range !7-10! would be 8 and 9. A number by itself is just that number as a range so 11 would translate to 11-11. Since -k is included, InImage.gif itself will not be resaved as InImage.tga. If the input image has fewer frames than the ranges being processed, those frames can’t and won’t be saved because they don’t exist. This is not considered an error. If FrameFile is * or is not entered, the base filename of the input image(s) is used and the 3-digit frame-number is still appended.

Example 39 - Create an Animated WEBP

tacentview -ck -o webp --po combine

Combines multiple images into a single animated webp. This is an example of a post-operation. Post operations (--po) run after all normal operations. They run on the same set of original input images, in this case TGAs (the default input type). Only if a normal operation (--op) modifies an input image is the change included in the post operation. The combine post operation has a number of optional arguments not shown here for conciseness – specifically the default frame duration is 33ms, the webp is written to a folder called Combined, and the filename will take the form Combined_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_NNN.webp where NNN is the number of frames.

Example 40 - Create an Animated WEBP and APNG

tacentview -ck -o webp,apng --po combine

Same as previous example but creates both a WEBP animated image and an APNG animated image from the same set of input images.

Example 41 - Create an Animated GIF

tacentview -ck -o gif --po combine[0-19:20+20-39:100,ResultDir,AnimImage]

Creates an animated gif called AnimImage.gif from the input tga files. The gif will be placed in a directory called ResultDir. The first argument, 0-19:25+20-39:200 means the first 20 frames (0-19) will get a 25ms frame duration, and the next 20 (20-39) will get a 200ms frame duration. If there are more than 40 input images, the remainder will get the default 33ms frame duration. If there are only 30 input images, the first 20 will be at 25ms and the remaining 10 at 200ms. You may also leave out the frame-range before the colon in which case the duration applies to all frames. For example, --po combine[100] will set all frame durations to 100 milliseconds. The default gif save parameters support auto-detecting transparency and output an 8-bit palette using Wu colour quantization.

Example 42 - Create a Multipage TIFF

tacentview -ck -o tif --po combine[0:1000+1:2000+2:3000] page1.qoi page2.qoi page3.qoi

Creates a multipage tiff called Combined_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_003.tif from the 3 input qoi files. The tiff will be placed in a directory called Combined. Tacent View uses a tiff-tag (specifically TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE) to store additional information in each page of the tiff. In particular the page-duration is stored in this field while not affecting compatibility with other software. This allows the specified 1, 2 and 3 second frame durations to be stored with each tiff page. If this tiff is later loaded in Tacent View it can be treated and played as an animated image. Use 16 milliseconds (--po combine[16]) to achieve 60 FPS.

Example 43 - Create a Flipbook TGA and PNG

tacentview -ck -o tga,png --po contact[]

Creates two contact sheets called Contact_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_NNxMM.tga and Contact_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_NNxMM.png from the images in the current directory. The number of rows and columns (NNxMM) are computed for you based on the number of input images. The output tga and png files are placed in a directory called Contact. All input images must be the same dimension. You may use regular --op operations to resize first if desired.

Example 44 - Create a Flipbook QOI with 5 Columns

tacentview -ckv 2 -o qoi --po contact[5,*,*,FlipOut,FiveColFile]

Creates a contact sheet called FiveColFile.qoi from the images in the current directory. The number of columns is set explicitly to 5. The rows will be computed for you so that all input images will be included. The output qoi file will be placed in a directory called FlipOut which will be created for you if it doesn’t exist. All input images must be the same dimension. You may use regular --op operations to resize first if desired.

Example 45 - Create a 7x7 Flipbook JPG and BMP

tacentview -ckv 2 -o jpg,bmp --po contact[7,7,white]

In this example we set both the number of columns and the number of rows. If there are more than 49 images in the input directory, only the first 49 will be included. If there are fewer than 49 input images, the contact-sheet (flipbook) will have some empty pages. Empty pages get filled with opaque white. If white was not specified or * was used, the fill would be transparent black. Since JPG does not support alpha, the JPG output ignores transparency (it will be opaque). The BMP output supports alpha so transparency in both the pages and empty-page fill-colour is taken into account. The fill colour may be precisely specified in hexadecimal using #RRGGBBAA. If a single decimal integer is used instead, the fill is that value for all RGBA channels. The predefined colour names are: black, white, grey, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, and trans (transparent black, the default). Colour names other than trans all default alpha to full (opaque).


This is a printout of the CLI usage instructions built into Tacent View. To get this printout simply issue the command tacentview --help

Tacent View 1.0.42 by Tristan Grimmer
Win x64 Release UTF-16 API
CLI Mode

USAGE: tacentview [options] [inputfiles] 

--autoname -a        : Autogenerate output file names
--cli -c             : Use command line mode (required when using CLI)
--earlyexit -e       : Early exit / no skipping
--examples -x        : Print examples
--help -h            : Print help/usage information
--in -i arg1         : Input file type(s)
--inASTC arg1        : Load parameters for ASTC files
--inDDS arg1         : Load parameters for DDS files
--inEXR arg1         : Load parameters for EXR files
--inHDR arg1         : Load parameters for HDR files
--inJPG arg1         : Load parameters for JPG files
--inKTX arg1         : Load parameters for KTX files
--inPKM arg1         : Load parameters for PKM files
--inPNG arg1         : Load parameters for PNG files
--markdown -m        : Print examples in markdown
--op arg1            : Operation
--out -o arg1        : Output file type(s)
--outAPNG arg1       : Save parameters for APNG files
--outBMP arg1        : Save parameters for BMP  files
--outGIF arg1        : Save parameters for GIF  files
--outJPG arg1        : Save parameters for JPG  files
--outPNG arg1        : Save parameters for PNG  files
--outQOI arg1        : Save parameters for QOI  files
--outTGA arg1        : Save parameters for TGA  files
--outTIFF arg1       : Save parameters for TIFF files
--outWEBP arg1       : Save parameters for WEBP files
--outname -n arg1    : Output file name modifications
--overwrite -w       : Overwrite existing output files
--po arg1            : Post operation
--profile -p arg1    : Launch GUI with the specified profile active.
--skipunchanged -k   : Don't save unchanged files
--syntax -s          : Print syntax help
--verbosity -v arg1  : Verbosity from 0 to 2

[inputfiles]         : Input image files

You must call with -c or --cli to use this program in CLI mode.

Use the --help (-h) flag to print this help. The help option is the only one
that does not require -c. To view generic command-line syntax help use the
--syntax (-s) flag. For example, to print syntax usage you would call
'tacentview -cs' which expands to 'tacentview -c -s'. To view a list of
examples use the --examples (-x) flag with a command like 'tacentview -cx'.
For generation of the examples in markdown, use the --markdown (-m) flag. For
example 'tacentview -cm > markdown.md'

Set output verbosity with --verbosity (-v) and a single integer value after it
from 0 to 2. 0 means no text output, 1 is the default, and 2 is full/detailed.

To launch in GUI mode run without any arguments or with the file or directory
you want to open as the argument. Directories should be specified with a
trailing slash. You may optionally specify the profile to use with the
--profile (-p) command followed by the profile name. Current profile names
are 'main', 'basic', and 'kiosk'.

When launched with --profile the active profile is not remembered on exit.
Changes made to the profile are, however, persistent. Changes can include
anything from what dialogs are open, zoom mode, slideshow and background
settings, etc.

e.g. 'tacentview -p kiosk C:/Slidehow/' will start a slidewhow of all the
images inside the 'SlideShow' directory. By default the kiosk profile
auto-starts the slideshow in shuffle mode.

Values and arguments in this help text follow the following rules:
- Real     : Real numbers are denoted by including the decimal point.
- Integers : Integer numbers are denoted by not including the decimal point.
- Hex      : Hexadecimal values are prefixed with a hash (#).
- Names    : Some values are simple string names. These are comprised of
             alphabetic upper and lower case characters only.
- Booleans : You may use "true", "t", "yes", "y", "on", "enable", "enabled",
             "1", "+", and strings that represent non-zero integers as true.
             These are case-insensitive. False is the result otherwise.
- Defaults : Default values are denoted with an asterisk (*). Setting a value
             to * will set it to the default value.
- Ranges   : Value ranges are specified in interval notation where [a,b] means
             inclusive and (a,b) means exclusive. e.g. [2,5) -> 2,3,4.

Each parameter of the command line should be a file or directory to process.
You may enter as many as you need. If no input files are specified, the current
directory is processed. You may also specify a manifest file containing images
to process using the @ symbol.

e.g. @list.txt will load files from a manifest file called list.txt. Each line
of a manifest file should be the name of a file to process, the name of a dir
to process, start with a line-comment semicolon, or simply be empty.

You may specify what types of input images to process. If you do not specify
any types, ALL supported imgage types are processed. A type like 'tif' may have
more than one accepted extension (tif and tiff). The extension is not
specified, the type is. Use the --in (-i) option to specify one or more input
types. You may have more than one -i to process multiple types or you may
specify multiple types with a comma-separated list. For example, '-i jpg,png'
is the same as '-i jpg -i png'. If you specify only unsupported or invalid
types a warning is printed and tga images will be processed.

Supported input file types: tga png jpg gif webp qoi dds pvr ktx ktx2 astc pkm 
exr hdr apng bmp ico tif 
These cover file extensions: tga png jpg jpeg gif webp qoi dds pvr ktx ktx2 
astc atc pkm exr hdr rgbe apng bmp ico tif tiff 

Some image types support various parameters while being loaded. Specifying load
parameters takes the form:

 --inTTT param1=value1,param2=value2,etc

where TTT represents the image type, the lack of spaces is important, and both
param names and values are case sensitive. All loading parameters have
reasonable defaults -- there is no requirement to specify them if the defaults
are sufficient. Image types with load parameters:

  colp: Colour profile. Possible values:
        sRGB* - Low dynamic range RGB in sRGB space. Linear alpha.
        gRGB  - Low dynamic range RGB in gamma space. Linear alpha.
        lRGB  - Low dynamic range RGBA in linear space.
        HDRa  - High dynamic range RGB in linear space. LDR linear alpha.
        HDRA  - High dynamic range RGBA in linear space.
  corr: Gamma correction mode, Possible values:
        none  - No gamma correction is performed.
        auto* - Apply gamma correction based on colour profile set above.
        gamc  - Apply gamma compression using an encoding-gamma of 1.0/gamma.
        srgb  - Apply gamma compression by applying a Linear->sRGB transform.
  gamma:Gamma value. Used when an encoding-gamma is needed. Default is 2.2*.
        Range is [0.5,4.0]
  tone: For HDR images. Tone-map exposure applied if this is >= 0.0. The
        non-negative valid range is [0.0,4.0]. A value of 0.0 is black and 4.0
        is over-exposed. A value of 1.0 is neutral. Negative values do not
        apply tone-map exposure. Default is -1.0* for no application.

  corr: Gamma correction mode. Possible values:
        none  - No gamma correction is performed.
        auto* - Apply gamma correction based on colour space of pixel format.
        gamc  - Apply gamma compression using an encoding-gamma of 1.0/gamma.
        srgb  - Apply gamma compression by applying a Linear->sRGB transform.
  gamma:Gamma value. Used when an encoding-gamma is needed. Default is 2.2*.
  tone: For HDR images. Tone-map exposure applied if this is >= 0.0. The
        non-negative valid range is [0.0,4.0]. A value of 0.0 is black and 4.0
        is over-exposed. A value of 1.0 is neutral. Negative values do not
        apply tone-map exposure. Default is -1.0* for no application.
  spred:Spread single channel. Boolean true* or false. For DDS files with a
        single Red or Luminance componentconly, spread it to all the RGB
        channels if set to true. If false the red channel takes the value.
        Does not spread single-channel Alpha formats.
  strct:Strict loading. Boolean true or false*. If strict is true a DDS file
        that is not fully compliant with the standard will not be loaded.
        Setting to false allows more forgiving loading behaviour.

  gamma:Gamma value in range [0.6, 3.0]. Default 2.2*.
  expo: Exposure value in range [-10.0, 10.0]. Default 1.0* is neutral.
  defog:Defog value (constant colour bias removal) in range [0.0*, 0.1].
  knelo:Knee Low. Low end of the white and middle grey values in [-3.0, 3.0].
        Values between Knee Low and Knee High are compressed. Default 0.0*.
  knehi:Knee High. High end of white and middle grey values in [3.5, 7.5].
        Values between Knee Low and Knee High are compressed. Default 3.5*.

  gamma:Gamma value in range [0.6, 3.0]. Default 2.2*.
  expo: Exposure value in integral range [-10, 10]. Default 0* is neutral.
  strct:Strict loading. Boolean true or false*. If strict is true a JPG file
        that is not fully compliant with the standard will not be loaded.
        Setting to false allows more forgiving loading behaviour.
  exifo:EXIF metadata reorientation. Boolean true or false*. If true undo
        orientation transforms in JPG image as indicated by Exif meta-data.

  corr: Gamma correction mode. Possible values:
        none  - No gamma correction is performed.
        auto* - Apply gamma correction based on colour space of pixel format.
        gamc  - Apply gamma compression using an encoding-gamma of 1.0/gamma.
        srgb  - Apply gamma compression by applying a Linear->sRGB transform.
  gamma:Gamma value. Used when an encoding-gamma is needed. Default is 2.2*.
  tone: For HDR images. Tone-map exposure applied if this is >= 0.0. The
        non-negative valid range is [0.0,4.0]. A value of 0.0 is black and 4.0
        is over-exposed. A value of 1.0 is neutral. Negative values do not
        apply tone-map exposure. Default is -1.0* for no application.
  spred:Spread single channel. Boolean true* or false. For KTX files with a
        single Red or Luminance componentconly, spread it to all the RGB
        channels if set to true. If false the red channel takes the value.
        Does not spread single-channel Alpha formats.

  corr: Gamma correction mode. Possible values:
        none  - No gamma correction is performed.
        auto* - Apply gamma correction based on colour space of pixel format.
        gamc  - Apply gamma compression using an encoding-gamma of 1.0/gamma.
        srgb  - Apply gamma compression by applying a Linear->sRGB transform.
  gamma:Gamma value. Used when an encoding-gamma is needed. Default is 2.2*.
  spred:Spread single channel. Boolean true* or false. For PKM files with a
        single Red or Luminance componentconly, spread it to all the RGB
        channels if set to true. If false the red channel takes the value.
        Does not spread single-channel Alpha formats.

  strct:Strict loading. Boolean true or false*. If strict is true a JPG file
        that is not fully compliant with the standard will not be loaded.
        Setting to false allows more forgiving loading behaviour. In
        particular some software saves JPG/JFIF-encoded files with the png
        extension. Setting this to false allows these 'png' files to load.
  apng: Load Animated PNG inside a PNG. Boolean true or false*. If apng is
        true the loading code will detect an animated PNG (APNG) when stored
        inside a regular PNG file. This allows the command-line to load all
        the frames of an APNG file even if it has a regular (single-frame)
        png extension.

Operations are specified using --op opname[arg1,arg2,...]
There must be no spaces between arguments. The operations get applied in the
order they were specified on the command line. The full sequence of operations
is applied to each and every input image. Optional arguments are denoted with
an asterisk and do not need to be supplied. When either optional arguments are
not provided or * is entered, the default value is used -- look for the
asterisk in the argument description. eg. --op zap[a,b,c*,d*] may be called
with --op zap[a,b] which would do the same thing as --op zap[a,b,*,*]. If the
operation has all optional arguments you may include an empty arg list with []
or leave it out. Eg. zap[a*,b*] may be called with --op zap[] or just --op zap.

--op pixel[x,y,col,chan*]
  Sets the pixel at (x,y) to the colour supplied. The chan argument lets you
  optionally select which pixel colour channels should be modified. You may
  choose any combination of RGBA colour channels.
  x:    The pixel x coordinate. 0* is the first/leftmost pixel. Specifying -1
        will be the pixel at the far right regardless of image width. A -2
        represents the second to last pixel on the right. Using negatives this
        way is handy since not all processed images are required to have the
        same width. 
  y:    The pixel y coordinate. 0* is the first pixel on the bottom. Specifying
        -1 will be the pixel at the image top regardless of image height. A -2
        represents the second to last pixel from the top. Using negatives this
        way is handy since not all processed images are required to have the
        same height.
  col:  Pixel colour. Specify the colour using a hexadecimal in the form
        #RRGGBBAA, a single integer spread to RGBA, or a predefined name:
        black*, white, grey, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, or trans
        (transparent black).
  chan: Colour channels to set. The channels are specified with any combination
        of the letters RGBA or rgba. Default is RGBA*. At least one
        valid channel should be specified otherwise the default is used. Eg. RG
        sets the red and green channels. abG sets alpha, blue, and green.

--op resize[w,h,filt*,edge*]
  Resizes image by resampling. Allows non-uniform scale.
  w:    Width. An int in range [4, 65536], 0*, or -1. If set to 0 or -1 it
        preserves the aspect ratio by using the height and original aspect.
  h:    Height. An int in range [4, 65536], 0*, or -1. If set to 0 or -1 it
        preserves the aspect ratio by using the width and original aspect.
  filt: Resample filter. Default is bilinear*. Only used if dimensions changed
        for the image being processed. See below for valid filter names.
  edge: Edge mode. Default is clamp*. Only used if dimensions changed for the
        image being processed. See note below for valid edge mode names.

--op canvas[w,h,anc*,fill*,ancx*,ancy*]
  Resizes image by modifying the canvas area of the image. You specify the new
  width and height. Vertical or horizontal letterboxes may be needed. This
  operation does not perform resampling.
  w:    Width. An int in range [4, 65536], 0*, or -1. If set to 0 or -1 it
        preserves the aspect ratio by using the height and original aspect.
  h:    Height. An int in range [4, 65536], 0*, or -1. If set to 0 or -1 it
        preserves the aspect ratio by using the width and original aspect.
  anc:  Anchor. One of tl, tm, tr, ml, mm*, mr, bl, bm. br. These are
        abbreviations for top-left, top-middle, top-right, etc.
  fill: Fill colour. If letterboxes needed this is their colour. Specify the
        colour using a hexadecimal in the form #RRGGBBAA, a single integer
        spread to RGBA, or a predefined name: black*, white, grey, red, green,
        blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, or trans (transparent black).
  ancx: Explicit anchor X position. An int in range [-1*, 65536]. If -1 used
        the anc argument above takes priority.
  ancy: Explicit anchor Y position. An int in range [-1*, 65536]. If -1 used
        the anc argument above takes priority.

--op aspect[asp,mode,anc*,fill*,ancx*,ancy*]
  Resizes image by modifying the canvas area of the image. You specify the new
  aspect ratio in the form NUM:DEN. Vertical or horizontal letterboxes may be
  needed. This operation does not perform resampling.
  asp:  Aspect ratio specified in form MM:NN where MM and NN are natural
        numbers. Default* for whole argument yields 16:9. Defaults for
        components are 16*:9*. These are also used if numbers <= 0 are input.
  mode: Mode when resizing. Accepts crop* or letter. In crop mode some of the
        image pixels may be cropped to get the correct aspect. In letterbox
        mode all the image pixels are guaranteed to be kept, but it may be
        necessary to add either horizontal or vertical letterboxes (not both).
  anc:  Anchor. One of tl, tm, tr, ml, mm*, mr, bl, bm. br. These are
        abbreviations for top-left, top-middle, top-right, etc.
  fill: Fill colour. If letterboxes needed this is their colour. Specify the
        colour using a hexadecimal in the form #RRGGBBAA, a single integer
        spread to RGBA, or a predefined name: black*, white, grey, red, green,
        blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, or trans (transparent black).
  ancx: Explicit anchor X position. An int in range [-1*, 65536]. If -1 used
        the anc argument above takes priority.
  ancy: Explicit anchor Y position. An int in range [-1*, 65536]. If -1 used
        the anc argument above takes priority.

--op deborder[col*,chan*]
  Removes same-colour borders from images. Looks around the perimeter of the
  image to see if all rows or columns have the same test-colour and decides
  whether to remove or not. You may check any combination of RGBA colour
  channels. You may retrieve the test-colour from the image itself.
  col:  Test colour. Specify the colour using a hexadecimal in the form
        #RRGGBBAA, a single integer spread to RGBA, or a predefined name:
        black, white, grey, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, or trans
        (transparent black). The default* is to get the colour from the origin
        of the image being processed. This is the bottom-left pixel.
  chan: Colour channels to test. You may test the border by looking only for
        matches in particular colour channels. These are specified with any
        combination of the letters RGBA or rgba. Default is RGBA*. At least one
        valid channel should be specified otherwise the default is used. Eg. RG
        tests the red and green channels. abG tests alpha, blue, and green.

--op crop[mode,x,y,xw,yh,fill*]
  Crops an image. You get to specify the lower-left origin and either a new
  width/height or the top-right corner. The values are pixels starting at 0.
  If the crop area you specify goes outside the image being processed, the fill
  colour is used. The resultant image must be at least 4x4.
  mode: Coordinate mode. Either abs* or rel. In absolute mode mw and mh are the
        position of the top right extent of the crop area. Pixels outside of
        this are cropped. In relative mode mw and mh are the new width and
        height of the cropped image.
  x:    The x of the lower-left origin of the crop area. Included in final
        pixels. Defaults to 0*.
  y:    The y of the lower-left origin of the crop area. Included in final
        pixels. Defaults to 0*.
  xw:   The max x of the upper-right extent of the crop area OR the new image
        width if in rel mode. Included in final pixels. Defaults to 3* in
        absolute mode or 4* in relative mode. Both defaults result in a 4x4.
  yh:   The max y of the upper-right extent of the crop area OR the new image
        height if in rel mode. Included in final pixels. Defaults to 3* in
        absolute mode or 4* in relative mode. Both defaults result in a 4x4.
  fill: Fill colour. Specify the colour using a hexadecimal in the form
        #RRGGBBAA, a single integer spread to RGBA, or a predefined name:
        black, white, grey, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, or
        trans* (transparent black).

--op flip[mode*]
  Flips an image either horizontally or vertically.
  mode: Either horizontal or vertical. Synonyms include h, v, H, V, Horizontal
        and Vertical. If mode not specified or specified as *, default is
        horizontal* which is about the vertical axis (left becomes right and

--op rotate[ang,mode*,upft*,dnft*,fill*]
  Rotates an image. Use negative angles for clockwise rotations. At a minimum
  you must supply the rotation angle in degrees or radians. There is also the
  ability to specify different sampling filters to get quality results, or
  preserve original colours for pixel art. After rotation is complete the areas
  not containing image pixels may be filled with a specified colour, or the
  image may be cropped and possibly resized back to original dimensions.
  ang:  Rotation angle. Specified in degrees. Defaults to 0.0* degrees. To
        specify in radians include the letter 'r' after the value. eg. -1.2r.
        Negatives rotate clockwise. For exact 90 and 180 degree rotations the
        following strings should be used so it uses a faster exact algorithm:
        For 90 Degree Anticlockwise :  90  90.0 acw ccw
        For 90 Degree Clockwise     : -90 -90.0 cw
        For 180 Degree Rotation     : 180 180.0
  mode: Rotation mode. One of fill, crop*, or resize. Fill mode will result in
        larger images and the fill-colour is used because the image bounds get
        rotated outside of the original area. Preserves all image content. Crop
        mode does the rotation and then crops anywhere that went outside. This
        may crop a little of the image depending on angle, but no fill is used.
        Resize mode does the same as crop but then proceeds to resample the
        image back to the original dimensions. Resampling does lose a little
        quality so this is not the default. Use resize mode when it is
        desireable to preserve the image size.
  upft: Upsample filter. See below for filter names. Default is bilinear*.
        Upsampling is used to create a larger image before rotation to give
        much better results. It is also valid to enter 'none' in which case no
        scaling-up of the image is performed. In this case all original pixel
        colours are preserved by using nearest neighbour colours. This is fast
        and a good choice for pixel-art and sprites.
  dnft: Downsample filter. Only used if up-filter is not none. This filter is
        used to restore image size after rotation. Specifying none* here uses
        a special down-sample method that produces sharper results. Using box
        filter here is also a good choice. See below for valid filter names.
  fill: Fill colour. Only used if mode was fill. Specify the colour using a
        hexadecimal in the form #RRGGBBAA, a single integer spread to RGBA, or
        a predefined name: black*, white, grey, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan,
        magenta, or trans (transparent black).

--op levels[bp,mp,wp,obp,owp,fram*,chan*,alg*]
  Adjusts image levels in a manner similar to photo-editing software. You
  specify black, mid, and white points, whether to operate on all frames or a
  single frame, which channel to use, and the gamma algorithm to use. At a
  minimum you must specify the 5 black, mid, and white points.
  bp:   Black point. Value must be between 0.0* and 1.0.
  mp:   Mid point. Value must be between blackpoint and whitepoint. If set to *
        or -1.0 the midpoint is computed automatically as the halfway point
        between the blackpoint and whitepoint.
  wp:   White point. Value must be between midpoint and 1.0*.
  obp:  Output black point. Value must be between 0.0* and 1.0.
  owp:  Output white point. Value must be between 0.0 and 1.0* and bigger than
        the output black point.
  fram: Frame number. This is the 0-based frame number to apply the levels
        adjustments to. If set to -1* all frames are adjusted. If frame number
        is too big campared to the number of frames in the current image, it
        will get clamped to the number available (last frame).
  chan: The channels the level adjustments should be made to. Choices are RGB*,
        R, G, B, and A. Lower-case also works.
  alg:  Power midpoint gamma algorithm. Boolean defaulting to true*. Lets you
        decide between 2 algorithms for the curve on the mid-tone gamma. If
        true uses a continuous base-10 power curve that smoothly transitions
        the full range. For this algo the gamma range is [0.1, 10.0] where 1.0
        is linear. This approximates GIMP. If false it tries to mimic Photoshop
        where there is a C1 discontinuity at gamma = 1. In this mode the gamma
        range is [0.01, 9.99] where 1.0 is linear. See below for valid
        arguments to supply boolean true or false.

--op contrast[cont,fram*,chan*]
  Adjusts contrast. Specify the contrast, whether to operate on all frames or a
  single frame, and which channel(s) to use.
  cont: Contrast value from 0.0 (none) to 1.0 (full contrast). A value of 0.5*
        leaves the image unmodified.
  fram: Frame number. This is the 0-based frame number to apply the contrast
        adjustment to. If set to -1* all frames are adjusted. If frame number
        is too big campared to the number of frames in the current image, it
        will get clamped to the number available (last frame).
  chan: The channels the contrast adjustment should be made to. Choices are
        RGB*, R, G, B, and A. Lower-case also works.

--op brightness[brit,fram*,chan*]
  Adjusts brightness. Specify the brightness, whether to operate on all frames
  or a single frame, and which channel(s) to use.
  brit: Brightness value from 0.0 (black) to 1.0 (white). A value of 0.5*
        leaves the image unmodified.
  fram: Frame number. This is the 0-based frame number to apply the brightness
        adjustment to. If set to -1* all frames are adjusted. If frame number
        is too big campared to the number of frames in the current image, it
        will get clamped to the number available (last frame).
  chan: The channels the brightness adjustment should be made to. Choices are
        RGB*, R, G, B, and A. Lower-case also works.

--op quantize[algo,ncol,xact*,fsam*,dith*]
  Quantize the image to a reduced set of colours using various methods. Specify
  the algorithm, number of colours, and any optional parameters. Quantization
  is based on the colour (RGB) components. The alpha channel, if present, is
  algo: The method/algorithm for quantization: fix, wu*, neu, spc.
        fix: Fixed/predefined palette used. Pure black and white are
             guaranteed to be present.
        wu*: The Xiaolin Wu algorithm. Fast and good quality.
        neu: NeuQuant algorithm. Learning neural-net. The original high-quality
             quantization method.
        spc: Scolorq algorithm. Spatial quantiation. Slow but good quality for
             low numbers of colours (< 32). Only algo to offer dithering.
  ncol: Number of colours that will be present in image afterwards. Must be
        between 2 and 256* (both inclusive).
  xact: Boolean exact. Default is true*. See below for valid boolean arguments.
        If exact is true and the number of existing colours is less or equal to
        the requested, then the image will look identical after processing. If
        exact is false, all pixels get run through the chosen algorithm.
  fsam: FilterSize or SampleFactor. Only applies to spatial and neu algorithms.
        For scolorq this is the filter-size and must be 1, 3*, or 5.
        For neu quant this is the sample-factor from 1* to 30. Smaller values
        are better quality -- more faithful representation of the original.
  dith: Dither amount. Only applies to scolorq. Values from 0.0 to 30.0.
        The default is 0.0* which means auto-determine the dither amount based
        on the image dimensions and number of colours. Otherwise, a value of
        0.1 results in essentially no dither, and at around 20.0 there is
        significant dithering.

--op channel[mode*,chan*,col*]
  Channel operations affect components of all pixels. The supported modes
  support setting channels, blending using alpha, spreading a channel, and
  writing intensity to channels.
  mode: The channel operation mode. One of:
        set:    Sets specified channels to corresponding component in the
                supplied colour value.
        blend*: Blends background colour (bg) into the specified RGB channels
                by using the pixel-alpha to modulate. The new pixel colour is
                alpha*src_comp + (1-alpha)*bg_comp. This applies to any
                combination of input RGB channels. The final alpha is left
                unmodified if A not specified in channels. If A is specified
                the alpha is set to the A component of the supplied bg colour.
        spread: Spreads a specific single channel into the RGB chanbels.
        intens: Computes pixel intensity and sets any combination of RGBA
                channels to that intensity.
  chan: Colour channels. For set and intensity modes the default is RGB*. For
        blend mode default is RGBA*. For spread mode the single-channel default
        is R. Channels are specified with any combination of the letters RGBA
        or rgba.
  col:  Colour. Only used if mode is blend or set. Specify the colour using a
        hexadecimal in the form #RRGGBBAA, a single integer spread to RGBA, or
        a predefined name: black*, white, grey, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan,
        magenta, or trans (transparent black).
  As an example, the command --op channel will create an image with
  pre-multiplied alphas. The blended in background will be black and the alpha
  will be 255 for all pixels.

--op swizzle[rgba*]
  The swizzle operation allows you to manipulate the RGBA channels of an image
  and swap, duplicate, clear or set them. You can basically take the existing
  channels and rearrange them as you see fit.
  rgba: This is the destination mapping used by the swizzle. It is always in
        the order RGBA. It is made of the characters R, G, B, A, 0, 1, and *.
        The characters are case-insensitive so r, g, b, and a may also be used.
        The asterisk means automatic channel selection. 0 means the channel is
        set to 0 for all pixels. 1 means the channel is set to full for all
        pixels. R means the destiniation channel is taken from the original red
        channel. Similarly for G, B, and A. You do not need to specify all four
        characters if you want the remaining ones to be defaulted to their
        corresponding source channel. This is what the asterisk does.
        The default is **** which is the same as RGBA, both of which leave the
        image unmodified.
  Example 1: --op swizzle[BGR] will swap the red and the blue channels. In
  order, the new red channel gets the original blue channel, the green gets
  green, and the new blue channel gets red. This is the same as swizzle[B*R]
  and is also the same as swizzle[B*R*]. The asterisks just grab the
  corresponding original channel.
  Example 2: --op swizzle[***1] keeps the colours the same but sets the alpha
  to full for all pixels. This is the same as swizzle[RGB1].
  Example 3: --op swizzle[0] clears the red channel. Same as [0GBA] and [0***]
  Example 4: --op swizzle[GGG1] places the original green channel in the new
  red, green and blue channels. It also sets the alpha to full (opaque).

--op extract[frms*,sdir*,base*]
  Extracts frames from a multiframe or animated image. Specify the frame
  numbers to extract, the base filename, and the directory to put them in. The
  output type is specified using -o or --outtype and the output parameters are
  specified using the --paramsTYPE options. See below.
  frms: The frame numbers to extract in range format. In this format you may
        specify multiple ranges separated by a + or U character. A ! means
        exclusive and a - (hyphen) specifies a range. The default is to extract
        all* frames. For example, --op extract[0-2+!4-6+!7-10!] will extract
        frames 0,1,2,5,6,8,9. This is the same as --op extract[0-2+5-6+8-9]
        If the image being processed does not have enough frames for the
        specified range, those frame files will not be created.
  sdir: The sub-directory, relative to the directory the image is in, to place
        the extracted frames. If the sub-directory does not exist, it is
        created for you. Defaults to a directory called Saved*.
  base: The base filename used when saving extracted frames. Defaults* to the
        base filename of the input image. The final filename will be of the
        form Basename_NNN.ext where NNN is the frame number and ext is the
  Example 1: --op extract[0-4!] will extract 4 frames (0, 1, 2, and 3) and
  save them to a folder called Saved with names Base_001.tga, Base_002, and

Supported filters: nearest box bilinear bicubic bicubic_catmullrom 
bicubic_mitchell bicubic_cardinal bicubic_bspline lanczos_narrow lanczos 
lanczos_wide none 

Supported edge modes: clamp wrap 

Post operations are specified using --po opname[arg1,arg2,...]
These are operations that take more than a single image as input. They are
separated out into a different pass for efficiency -- if we were to do these as
regular inline operations (--op) we would need to have all input images in
memory at the same time. The post-op pass still uses the _same_ set of input
images and it runs after all normal operations have completed. If a regular
operation modifies any of the input files, the modified file(s) are used as
input to the post operation. If a normal operation generates a new file not
included in the inputs, the new file is not used by the post operation.

--po combine[durs*,sdir*,base*]
  Combines multiple input images into a single animated image. The output file
  type must support animation or be able to store multiple sub-images / pages.
  Supported animated types: gif webp apng tif 
  Input images must be all the same dimensions. Use normal operations to resize
  the source images beforehand if necessary. This can be done in a single
  command if you don't mind overwriting your existing source files with the
  --overwrite flag (see below), or do it as two passes.
  durs: Durations for each frame specified in milliseconds. The syntax is a
        sequence of frame-interval:duration pairs separated by + or a U. Frame
        numbers start at 0. If more than one interval overlaps the same frame
        the last overlapping interval-pair is used for the duration. A ! char
        (bang) means exclusive and a hyphen specifies a range. The default
        duration for all frames is 33*. If a frame interval is not specified,
        the supplied duration applies to all frames. For example, if you are
        combining 100 images these are equivalent: combine[], combine[*],
        combine[33], and combine[0-99:33]. To create a 2 second pause on (zero-
        based) frame 10 only: combine[10:2000]. To set the first 3 frames to
        100ms, frame 6 to 16ms, and frame 10, 11, 12 to 1.1s, the following
        could be used: [0-2:100+6:16+10-12:1100]
  sdir: The sub-directory, relative to the current directory, to place the
        combined image in. If the sub-directory does not exist, it is created
        for you. Defaults to a directory called Combined*.
  base: The base filename (not including the extension) used when saving the
        combined image. Defaults* to Combined_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_NNN where
        NNN is the number of frames. The final filename will include the
        correct extension based on the output image type.
  Example 1: -o webp --po combine[0-24:100+50-74:200,OutDir,Animated] creates a
  file called Animated.webp with the first 25 frames each lasting 1/10 second,
  the next 25 at 30fps, the 25 after at 1/5 second, and the remainder at 33ms.

--po contact[cols*,rows*,fill*,sdir*,base*]
  Creates a single contact sheet image (AKA flipbook) from multiple input
  images. You may specify the number of columns and rows or let the operation
  determine it automatically for you based on the number of input images.
  Input images must be all the same dimensions. Use normal operations to resize
  the source images beforehand if necessary. This can be done in a single
  command if you don't mind overwriting your existing source files with the
  --overwrite flag (see below), or do it as two passes. The final output image
  width will always be the frame width times the number of columns and the
  height will be the frame height times the number of rows. If an input image
  has transparency the whole contact sheet will have transparency if the output
  format supports it. When there are fewer input images than cols*rows, empty
  pages are needed. These empty pages are filled with a specified fill colour.
  Pages start at the top-left, one line at a time, from left to right.
  cols: Specify the number of columns you want in the contact sheet. This value
        should be bigger or equal to 0*. When set to 0 (the default) it will
        be computed for you based on the number of rows entered so that all
        input frames will be included. If rows is also 0, both cols and rows
        will be computed for you so that there are enough pages for all input
        images. If both are set and their product is less than the number of
        input images, not all imput images will be in the contact sheet.
  rows: The number of rows. Behaves similarly to cols above.
  fill: If empty pages are needed they are filled with this colour. Specify the
        colour using a hexadecimal in the form #RRGGBBAA, a single integer
        spread to the RGBA channels, or a predefined name: black, white, grey,
        red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, or trans* (transparent black).
  sdir: The sub-directory, relative to the current directory, to place the
        contact-sheet image in. If the sub-directory does not exist, it is
        created for you. Defaults to a directory called Contact*.
  base: The base filename (not including the extension) used when saving the
        contact image. Defaults* to Contact_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS_NNxMM where
        NN is the number of columns and MM is the number of rows. The final
        filename will have an extension based on the output image type.
  Example 1: -o tga --po contact[10,5,white,*,Sheet]
  will create a contact sheet image called Sheet.tga in a directory called
  Contacts. The tga file will be 10 columns by 5 rows. If there are at least 50
  input images, every page will have an image in it. If there are fewer, the
  empty pages will be filled with opaque white.

The output files are generated based on the input files and chosen operations.
Each input image may generate one or more output images based on what the output
types are set to. For example, you might specify that both webp and bmp images
should be saved. The output types are specified with --out followed by a comma-
separated list of types. The short version -o may also be used. If no out type
is specified the default is tga. You may have multiple -o arguments or just a
single one. For example, '-o webp,bmp' is the same as '-o webp -o bmp'.

Supported output file types: tga png jpg gif webp qoi apng bmp tif 

The output filename matches the input filename except that the extension/type
may be different. Eg. Seascape.jpg would save as Seascape.tga if the out type
was tga only.

The output names may be modified by adding a prefix, suffix, or replacing part
of the name with a different string. This is done using --outname or -n.

--outname prefix=string,suffix=string,replace=old:new

For example, if suffix=_Blockout,replace=Full:Thumb and the input file was
Tree_Full_012.tga then the output file will be Tree_Thumb_012_Blockout.tga. If
replace does not specify a new replacement string, the old string is removed.

If an output file already exists, it is not overwritten. To allow overwrite use
the --overwrite (-w) flag. To have the tool try a different filename if it
aready exists, use the --autoname (-a) flag. It will append the string _NNN to
the name where NNN is a number that keeps incrementing until no existing file
is found. This is applied after any outname prefix, suffix, or replacements.

By default if no modifications are made to an input file, the file is still
saved. This is so easy batch conversions from one type to another may be
performed. Sometimes you may not want to save unmodified files. An example of
this is using the extract operation by itself. If you don't want the unmodified
input image saved, specify -k or --skipunchanged on the command line.

Different output image types have different features and may support different
parameters when saving. Specifying save parameters takes the form:

--outTTT param1=value1,param2=value2,etc

where TTT represents the image type, the lack of spaces is important, and both
param names and values are case sensitive. All save parameters have reasonable
defaults -- there is no requirement to specify them if the defaults are
sufficient. An asterisk (*) denotes the default value for that parameter. You
may enter a * to set it to default or just don't set the parameter. Image types
with save parameters:

  bpp:  Bits per pixel. Possible values:
        24    - Force 24 bits per pixel. Alpha channel ignored.
        32    - Force 32 bits per pixel. Alpha channel set to full if opaque.
        auto* - Decide bpp based on opacity of image being saved.
  dur:  Frame duration override in milliseconds. Use -1* for no override.

  bpp:  Bits per pixel. Possible values:
        24    - Force 24 bits per pixel. Alpha channel ignored.
        32    - Force 32 bits per pixel. Alpha channel set to full if opaque.
        auto* - Decide bpp based on opacity of image being saved.

  bpp:  Bits per pixel from 1 to 8*. Since GIFs are palettized this value
        results in images from 2 to 256 colours. If the GIF has transparency,
        one fewer colour can be represented.
  qan:  Quantization method for palette generation. Possible values:
        fix   - Use a fixed colour palette for the chosen bpp. Low quality.
        spc   - Use spatial scolorq algorithm. Slow. Good for 5 bpp or lower.
        neu   - Use neuquant algorithm. Good for 64 colours or more.
        wu*   - Use XiaolinWu algorithm. Good for 64 colours or more.
  loop: Times to loop for animated GIFs. Choose 0* to loop forever. 
  alp:  Alpha threshold. Set to 255 to force opaque. If in [0, 255) a
        pixel-alpha <= threshold results in a transparent pixel. Set to -1(*)
        for auto-mode where a threshold of 127 if used if image is not opaque.
        If set to -1 and image is opaque, the resultant GIF will be opaque.
  dur:  Frame duration override in 1/100 s. Use -1* for no override.
  dith: Dither level. Value in [0.0,2.0+]. Only applies to spatial
        quantization. 0.0* means auto-determine a good value for the current
        image based on its dimensions. Greater than 0.0 means manually set the
        amount. A dither value of 0.1 results in no dithering. 2.0 results in
        significant dithering.
  filt: Filter size. Only applies to spatial quantization. Must be 1, 3*, 5.
  samp: Sample factor. Range is [1,30]. Only applies to neu quantization. 1*
        means whole image learning. 10 means 1/10 of image only. Max value 30
        is fastest.

  qual: Quality of jpeg in range [1,100]. Default is 95*

  bpp:  Bits per pixel. Possible values:
        24    - Force 24 bits per pixel. Alpha channel ignored.
        32    - Force 32 bits per pixel. Alpha channel set to full if opaque.
        auto* - Decide bpp based on opacity of image being saved.

  bpp:  Bits per pixel. Possible values:
        24    - Force 24 bits per pixel. Alpha channel ignored.
        32    - Force 32 bits per pixel. Alpha channel set to full if opaque.
        auto* - Decide bpp based on opacity of image being saved.
  spc:  Colour space. srgb, lin, or auto*. Auto means keep the currenly loaded
        space. Use srgb for the sRGB space. Use lin for linear.

  bpp:  Bits per pixel. Possible values:
        24    - Force 24 bits per pixel. Alpha channel ignored.
        32    - Force 32 bits per pixel. Alpha channel set to full if opaque.
        auto* - Decide bpp based on opacity of image being saved.
  rle:  Run-length encoding. Boolean true or false*. This can reduce tga size
        but some software can't load RLE-compressed TGAs correctly.

  bpp:  Bits per pixel. Possible values:
        24    - Force 24 bits per pixel. Alpha channel ignored.
        32    - Force 32 bits per pixel. Alpha channel set to full if opaque.
        auto* - Decide bpp based on opacity of image being saved.
  zlib: Use Zlib Compression. Boolean true* or false.
  dur:  Frame duration override in milliseconds. Use -1* for no override.

  loss: Generate lossy image. Boolean true or false*.
  qual: Quality or compression amount in range [0.0,100.0]. Default is 90.0*.
        Interpreted as quality for lossy images. Larger looks better but bigger
        files. Interpreted as compression strength for non-lossy. Larger values
        compress more but images take longer to generate.
  dur:  Frame duration override in milliseconds. Use -1* for no override.

The return error code is 0 for success and 1 for failure. For 0 to be returned
every specified image must be successfully loaded, processed, and saved. A
failure in any step for any image results in an error. By default processing
continues to the next image even on a failure. If the --earlyexit (-e) flag is
set, processing stops immediately on any failure. Either way, any failure
returns a non-zero exit code.